Thank you to our many generous sponsors and expert reviewers! We could not have published Energy for Keeps without their wonderful and kind support.
During the development, writing, and editing of this guide we called upon many technical and educational experts for input. We are deeply grateful to all of them, and thank especially the following:
Donald Aitken, Donald Aitken Associates, Berkeley, CA
Bill Andrews, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Betz Bornstein, Power Generation Consultant, Piedmont, CA
Pat Byrne, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sacramento, CA
Rebecca Clark, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
Jeff Deyette, Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA
Lynette Esternon, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA
Phyllis Evans, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
Susanne Garfield-Jones, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA
Dennis Gilles, Calpine Corporation, San Jose, CA
Jim Green, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
George Hagerman, Virginia Tech Alexandria Research Institute, Alexandria, VA
Marilyn Hempel, environmental educator, Redlands, CA
Susan Hodgson, energy historian, Sacramento, CA
Jacqui Hoover, Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority, Kailua-Kona, HI
Ron Horstman, Western Area Power Administration, Lakewood, CO
Cynthia Howell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Ronald Ishii, Alternative Energy Systems Consulting, Inc. Carlsbad, CA
Ellen Jacobson, University of Nevada College of Engineering, Reno, NV
Steve Jolley, Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Company, Anderson, CA
Tony Jones, OceanUS Consulting, San Francisco, CA
Doug Jung, Two-Phase Engineering, Santa Rosa, CA
David Kay, Southern California Edison Company, Rosemead, CA
Felix Killar, Nuclear Energy Institute, Washington, D.C.
Lauri Knox, Vortex International, Inc., Golden, CO
Matt Kuhn, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Joe LaFleur, geologist, Springfield, OR
Diane Lear, National Hydropower Association, Washington, D.C.
Chris Lee, Pondre School District, Fort Collins, CO
Peter Lehman, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
Roger Levin, science consultant, Menlo Park, CA
Marcelo Lippmann, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, Berkeley, CA
Debra Malin, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
Randy Manion, Western Area Power Administration, Lakewood, CO
Michael McCormick, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
Roy Mink, U.S. Dept. of Energy Geothermal Program, Washington, D.C.
Colin Murchie, Solar Energy Industries Association, Washington, D.C.
M. Dennis Mynatt, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN
Dan Neary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Flagstaff, AZ
Bob Neilson, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
Tom Osborn, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
Terrin Pearson, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
Christine Real de Azua, American Wind Energy Assn., Washington, D.C.
Hal Post, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM
Julie Scanlin, University of Idaho, Boise, ID
Phil Shepherd, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Denver, CA
Karen Skinner, Novato Unified School District, Novato, CA
Bill Smith, Northern California Power Agency, Middletown, CA
Arthur Soinski, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA
Kevin Starr, California State Librarian (Emeritus), Sacramento, CA
Jason Venetoulis, sustainability expert, Claremont, CA
Mira Vowles, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
Kit Warne, (ret.) Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Corte Madera, CA
Judith Wilson, editorial consultant, Tiburon, CA
Dora Yen-Nakafuji, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA
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It was an honor to work with the experts named above as well as with such talented colleagues: Deborah Page, lead researcher and writer; Anna Carter, technical editor; Will Suckow, illustrator extraordinaire; Barbara Geisler, designer; and Lois de Banzie, Joan Kirsner and Gail Packer, copy editors.
Lastly, we thank Ken Nemzer for his nonstop support and good advice on all aspects of the publication.
Marilyn Levin Nemzer, Editor