
Below are comments we have received from Energy for Keeps readers since the first edition was published in 2003. If you have comments — or suggestions for the next edition — please e-mail Marilyn at (We won’t publish your comment without your explicit permission.)
“I’ve been working on energy education for years now, and Energy for Keeps is still one of the best books on the subject that I’ve found.”
Joel Rosenberg Lawrence Hall of Science U.C. Berkeley |
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“If you only own one book in your home library about renewable resources and electricity, make it Energy for Keeps. This concise reference book is written in a language that students, adults, and professionals will all understand.
Within the illustrated pages, you’ll find information on all renewable resources, the science of electricity generation, energy history, energy-related environmental considerations, energy policy, and energy management and efficiency.
The paperback book is just under 200 pages in length and has five chapters. Chapter one, A Brief History of Energy, shows us our use of energy has changed over time. Chapter two, Energy and Electricity, explains how we produce and deliver most of our electricity today. Chapter three, Energy Sources For Electricity Generation, explains how and where we get our different sources to produce energy. Chapter four, Energy, Health, and the Environment, shows us how our choices about energy affect our health and the environment around us. And chapter five, Energy Management Strategies and Energy Policy, demonstrates how energy decisions made today will affect both our lives, and those that will come after us.
Each of the chapters begins with a vocabulary list in the margin of the page, all of which are defined in the glossary in the appendix. The chapter’s sections end with a section called Considerations. These are basically the pros and cons of the concept covered in that section. I appreciate that the authors don’t just give the good points, but are also honest in any drawbacks of the technology.
Also in the appendix is an energy timeline, starting in 4 million B.C. (wait, what?) where they believe the first known use of tools to be in East Africa. The timeline ends with 2010 with an estimated 25 percent of the world’s population not having access to electricity.
Hands down, my favorite part of the book is the illustrations. They remind me of the David Macaulay books in their design. They are very informational, yet so simple that a child can understand. Literally. My six-year-old can look at many of the graphics and explain to me what it’s saying. Granted, I may have to explain what some of the words are, but he can tell me what the graphics are illustrating and demonstrating.
While the text was originally aimed at furthering energy literacy in the general public, it also works well as a teaching tool. There are student activities and other supplementary information that can be downloaded for free on the website. Altogether, you could feasibly use this as a semester of science for middle grades, or add in some supplementary reading and essay writing and you’ve got yourself a high school course.
At the same time, Energy for Keeps is such a fun book that it could be left out on a coffee table to be flipped through, or if you’re like me and spend a lot of time waiting in the truck, this would be a good read to keep in there to help pass the time. Engaging, entertaining, and good practical information. Energy for Keeps is a great read for all ages.”
Product review by Jeniffer Do Nascimento The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC May, 2017 |
“For anyone looking for a resource book on renewable energy – look no more. Energy for Keeps is cleverly written and illustrated to engage and inform audiences about energy resources and the generation of electricity. With Ben Franklin as host, the journey is a historical, as well as scientific, exploration of our energy options and their consequences.”
Susan T. Schleith Education Coordinator |
Florida Solar Energy Center |
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“I’ve shared your book with a bunch of colleagues and we all think it’s a great product. This summer we are running a Renewable Energy Content Institute, to teach teachers of grades 5-8 how to incorporate the science and engineering of renewable technologies into their classrooms. We’re hoping to use Energy for Keeps as a text. We think it’s a great resource for teachers.”
Brian Gravel |
Center for Engineering Educational Outreach Tufts University |
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“Not only do the authors endorse renewable energy sources but they explore personal, local, and national decisions that can promote responsible energy use. Written for an audience of middle and high schoolers, this informative, descriptive, and smartly illustrated book would be an ideal resource for a professional development seminar as well. “
David Tumbarello Reviewer for NSTA Recommends National Science Teachers Association |
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“At long last, a crucial issue for the survival of our society — electricity from renewable energy — has received comprehensive and clear treatment.”
Dr. Kevin Starr |
State Librarian of California, Emeritus |
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“The third expanded edition of ENERGY FOR KEEPS: CREATING CLEAN ELECTRICITY FROM RENEWABLE RESOURCES provides the latest details on green energy sources, from ocean energy and solar power to biomass and geothermal. Explanations of how electricity is produced from a range of sources accompanies a survey useful as a classroom tool for students of science and social studies from 6th grade into college. Packed with inviting illustrations and clear explanations, this is a pick for a wide range of collections.”
Midwest Book Review The Bookwatch, Environmental Shelf |
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“I’m very pleased to inform you that the July 2010 issue of our library newsletter ‘Wisconsin Bookwatch’ features Energy for Keeps. … Energy Education Group provides a fascinating and thoughtful read that has plenty to educate readers about. Energy for Keeps is a fine addition to any environmental studies collection.”
James A. Cox Editor-in Chief Midwest Book Review |
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“This is awesome! Nobody covers all the bases in one package as well as this book. Great job! The artwork is very catchy.”
Matt Kuhn Education Programs Manager |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
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“I applaud your clear and comprehensive coverage of this important and pressing topic. I particularly like the chapter focusing on how energy management strategies and choices affect our daily lives. Your book makes an important contribution to the future environmental health of our nation and to school age students who must learn how to grapple with how to provide clean energy for a burgeoning population. Thank you for your commitment to our schools and our future generations.”
Assistant Superintendent Marin County Office of Education |
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“Well done. A great addition to teacher resources. I’m thrilled that we will be able to add this to the resource package for the video as well as Energy Quest. That sound you hear is applause!”
Susanne Garfield Media and Public Communications Office |
California Energy Commission |
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“I received Energy for Keeps: Electricity from Renewable Energy today. I just love it and already know teachers who will use it for projects they are currently doing in the classroom. Who knows what other sparks of ideas will come from this wonderful publication!! Thanks for letting me participate and please keep me on your list. I love collaborating with you.”
Pat Byrne Education Specialist |
Sacramento Municipal Utility District |
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“I am very impressed with the book and would love to see it included in Hawaii’s curriculum…. I’ve got meetings with State Legislative Education, Energy & Environment Committees next week and plan to reference Energy for Keeps. It truly is a landmark publication.”
Jacqui L. Hoover Administrative & Projects Manager |
Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority |
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“We would like to see this great text available in the major languages of the Americas; i.e., Spanish, French and Portuguese…. We hope that your translation work will yield a harvest of excited young people.”
Vincente Beazel Director |
Solar Power Communities Tehachapi, CA |
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“Great job and graphics!”
Edward H. Brzezowski, P.E. |
Facility Energy Services, Inc. Chester, NJ |
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“Marilyn, It was a pleasure speaking with you on the phone. I love your book on Energy. It provides a wonderful approach to understanding energy source transformation into electricity. Please send a copy as soon as possible. I will also, share the book with my wife who is a librarian with the hopes that she too will see the value in your book and order a copy. Thanks again!”
Christopher Senger Golden Energy Services – “ Providing Direction in Energy Markets “ |
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“Thank you so very much for the new book. I have gone through it from cover to cover. You have to be so PROUD! It is quite an accomplishment.”
Pat Herron Chief Facilities Officer |
Orange County Public Schools Orlando, Florida |
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“A very nice book on such a hot issue as energy. A valuable help for teachers in the struggle to keep alive the ‘scientific mind’ of young students.”
Roberto Francini Department of Physics |
Università di Roma Rome, Italy |
“We are currently in the midst of a science project for the freshmen on energy sources, and your book Energy for Keeps is VERY popular. Is it possible for me to get two more copies to keep up with demand?”
Lori Deibel Library Director |
The Branson School Ross, California |
“I thought this publication was a marvelous collection of knowledge on renewable energy. I am a teacher in Ireland and I have been trying to source a textbook that would be both as informative and interesting as this book. However I cannot find a book that offers the same combination without being too technical. I like the format of the book and feel it is a very easy read. I think this book would be a fantastic teaching resource and includes some great ideas for projects. It is obvious that a lot of work has gone into the publication and congratulations to the authors and editor.”
Frank Monaghan Student Teacher |
Limerick University Ireland |
“I am excited about these books! I haven’t read anything like it and its comprehensive look at many different types of renewable energy, especially the wave energy. I just love it! Our Solar In the Schools program is growing and I can’t wait to market this book to local educators!”
Stacy Stein Membership Coordinator |
Solar Energy International Carbondale, CO |
“Our instructors and the teachers who reviewed your book love it! We are excited to have it as reference and enrichment at our coming Math Institute which features renewable energy resources as its focused application area.”
Ellen Matheny Director, Education & Outreach |
University of Washington College of Forest Resources Olympic Natural Resources Center Forks, Washington |
“Congratulations! Energy for Keeps is the recipient of an Honorable Mention in the 2006 Green Power Pilot Award category for cutting-edge outreach. The competition in the Green Power Pilot Award category was the most impressive, and only the best nominations made it to the top. The Selection Committee thought the Energy for Keeps work was important, and significant for the industry and its future. The program is deserving of national recognition.”
2006 Green Power Leadership Awards Selection Committee |
“It is excellent! Looks like you had an allstar cast of advisors, and the layout and organization are great!”
Meredith Owens Energy Management Supervisor |
Alameda Power and Telecom Alameda, California |
“We were very impressed with your publication and pleased to see the big section on hydrogen and fuel cells. Best of luck in your educational efforts.”
Bernadette Geyer Director of Outreach Programs |
US Fuel Cell Council Washington, DC |
“I’d like to see that text get into every classroom in the country!!”
Consultants in renewable energy applications and policy and sustainable architecture Berkeley, California |
“Many thanks for the wonderful book – a terrific job! I hope it gets a lot of use in the schools.”
Dr. Ron DiPippo Associate Dean of Engineering |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth North Dartmouth, Massachusetts |
“I’m looking forward to reading (and rereading) this book and to sharing it with others!”
Ted Schultz
Satisfied customer
“Your book is a treasure. Scientifically accurate, clearly written, with inviting diagrams — all of which helps beginning learners, of all ages, build an understanding of electricity. Many will ‘see the light’ about the value of renewables.”
“Congratulations on writing a book that is badly needed since only 12% of American students surveyed understand how electricity is generated!”
Fran Barhydt
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Vermont Energy Education Program
Lower Waterford, VT
“It was a treat celebrating your new book’s publication – am now reading it I’m learning there’s so much information about energy that I’ve missed. It’s fun to read it the way you’ve presented it in this book!.”
Branwell Fanning
Tiburon, CA
“…I just love it. What a fantastic resource!”
Fayth Ross
GreenPower Outreach Administrator
Desert Research Institute
Reno, NV
Reviews from Amazon:
“Energy for Keeps is designed for students and adults wanting an easy to understand overview of the many resources available for the generation of electric power. It is likely that there will be a move toward electric-powered cars, and how we generate electricity will dominate the energy resource issue. The various means of generating electric power are covered in this book and are presented on equal footing. Renewable and nonrenewable sources are in separate sections. Some examples of successful solutions and associated savings are provided, but this book is light on economic data.
The design of Energy for Keeps is excellent with many simplified illustrations that are carefully placed to compliment the text. The use of sidebars cover related issues. Under a topic called “Considerations,” the reader is provided a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each resource.
Because of its clear writing style combined with its organization, readers will find this an excellent book where a great deal of information can be absorbed quickly. Energy for Keeps is a starting point for the journey towards a deeper understanding of the issues involved. Policy makers who want to know the economic impact on the consumer as well as the initial investments, limitations and life expectancies for these resources will need to supplement this book with the latest data.”
Kenneth Jessen – author/journalist
BS in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Masters in Business Administration
“This book was a hit from the day it arrived. For the first week or two, my 6th grader would pick up the book and just read sections of it on his own. When we officially started reading Energy for Keeps much later, it hadn’t lost any of its appeal. We enjoyed all of the sections. The information provided about each topic was sufficient without becoming boring. The illustrations are fabulous!! They alone are worth the price of the book as they enable the reader to easily understand the different forms of energy production. In fact, my high school senior picked up the book after hearing that the Japanese nuclear power plants were in danger of melting down. She didn’t understand how nuclear power plants worked and wasn’t satisfied with any of the explanations on the web. The section on nuclear power in this book answered all of her questions. I would recommend this book to everyone, not just students; in today’s world, we all need to become energy savvy.”
Angela W., homeschooling teacher
“Energy for Keeps is a great book. I especially liked the solar and wind sections, and also learning how energy is made from big turbines in all the different power plants. The cool drawings helped me understand the technology even more.”
Daniel W., 6th grade homeschooling student
“I’m one of the authors of this book, so naturally this will be a positive review :). But really, all of reviews of this book have been amazing. (You can read them for yourself if you go to the Energy for Keeps website and click on Reader Comments.) Energy for Keeps is unbelievably friendly and fun, considering the seriousness of the topic. Wait ’til you see Will’s illustrations. Can you imagine being able to make even a power plant look cute? This book is especially unique in that it does not promote any particular energy source. Infact, to be complete we even explain the non-renewables, fossil fuels and nuclear energy — and even hydrogen (which can be considered both renewable and nonrenewable.
Oh, one thing you need to know…. Energy for Keeps is specifically about the energy used for electricity, not for transportation, so its scope is limited in that one way. But when you think about how important electricity is in our lives… well….. it’s a good idea to understand a lot about it. This book was originally written for 6th – 8th grade but, truth to tell, adults love it, too. As I said, have a look at the cool reviews on our website. Thanks for reading this!”
Marilyn N.
“This is a great book for anyone who wants or needs to learn about renewable and other energy sources. It’s a really super primer on electricity (couldn’t be better, actually) but it doesn’t have much to do with gasoline, ethanol, hydrogen for our cars, etc.
So it doesn’t cover all the things we use energy for so I was slightly disappointed. I don’t mean to sound negative, though. It’s really well done and has very clear explanations. I definitely recommend it. (The authors should do another book like it only about transportation fuels.)
Jason A.
“What an incredible resource. This book is so inclusive and well rounded — much more than any other book I’ve seen on renewable energy (i.e. not just another book about wind and solar). It’s scientifically accurate and really delightful to thumb through…the illustrations are adorable and the layout is so reader-friendly! Would be AMAZING in classrooms. All science teachers should own one — or a set — of these. Great for ANYONE who has any interest in the environment or our planet. Three thumbs up.”
J. Bells